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Areli (Felicia) and Princess_Lil (Bea) are stuck with an old, tandem, anthro-tiger-centaur suit for a costume party. Of course, the thing is cursed and they begin to fuse together into the classic cereal mascot, Tina, the Tigertaur!

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Bea : Princess_Lil

Felicia: Areli

B: Is this really the best they had?

F: For the money you gave me, yeah.

Together with B slightly behind: Then I call the head!

F: Hah!

B: Oh whatever. Fine. I’ll be the butt.

F: That’s a good sport. This thing should be easy enough to get in. Here, I’ll get in the front, and you just have to get into the back.

Clothes rustle.

B: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

B mumbles: Least I get to stare at your butt.

F: No being a pervert.

B: I didn’t say anything.

F: Mm, fine, get in.

B: Right, right…

Clothes rustles.

B: Ugh, this is just… just so grrrrreat!

F: Yeah? I think we look kinda cute like this.

B: Says the front! It's cramped and smells funny back here.

F: Well if you don’t like it, then you can get o–ooph!

Bea is drawn forward suddenly, hands placed on Felicia’s cheeks, face practically pushed against them.

B mutters: Aah, hey! What are you doing!

F: I’m not doing anything! Quit groping me you pervert!

*Bea becomes more muffled*

B: I’m not groping you, I can’t get away! I’m getting squished… it's... tighter.

Felicia starts to become a little excited by all the attention, even if she’s mostly confused.

F: Aah… That feels really weird. What are you… oooh…

Further muffled B: Wait this isn’t what I had in mind when it came to staring at your ass. I’m being mmmphp! mmmmph!

Continued muffled panic from Bea, which slowly turns into moans.

F: Quit playing around! It feels really strange and-…! S-sensitive! *Moan*

The mmphs slow and stop.

F: (slightly out of breath) Bea…?

F: oh- oh my god… she- her…. (gasp followed by sharp moan)

F: I can feel your body, Bea! We're fusing! (Several moans that progress more and more aroused)

F: Your- my pussy is changing… legs… too… *moans*

(Cracking sfx)

F: Turning more like the mascot- Tina… ti-grrrrr *giggle*

(slightly grunting while flexing during lines)

F: Oh yeah!… I forgot how ripped she is! The fur! It's spreading up my- We really are gonna be Tina! My stripes are so beautiful, mmm.

F: (excited) I just wanna… run a marathon and do a hundred squats! And have a balanced breakfast and- …whew, what came over me, there?

F: Okay focus, Tina… you're going to the party and gonna make sure all their drunk friends stay hydrated! Yeah! And maybe… maybe I'll give those girls their bodies back in a few days… maybe. *Giggle!*

F: woohoo! I feel grrrrrreat!



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