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So looking quite a bit ahead, at some point in the story I'd like Felix to take a turn at making his own Dreamband game using Sophie's game engine. For that game, I'm thinking of of having him make a Superhero sandbox game. Not that I'll need them for a while, but I created some sketches of the various heroes different characters will create.

Either before or after that in the story, after Fiona's in person meetup with Lisa, Lisa was going to invite Fiona and Craig to a weekend party at a cottage (some of the final bonus panels show some early sketches of that idea). Originally, this would have been timed to occur during the summer,  but now that I have other plans for Fiona's summer, the timing for this invite would probably be just before or during the winter break before Fiona "leaves" to "study overseas".

My thoughts for this would be Lisa either invites Craig and Fiona to a local Star League Convention (including skin-tight cosplays) or for weekend party with Lisa's friends at a chalet at a ski resort (with either hot spring, hot tub, and partying). Any other suggestions?

The last 7 images in this collection are from about 2 years ago, I hadn't expected those images to look so rough compared to the latest strips!




The Convention could be a very awkward time (aka great read), with Felix+Jess being hit on by all sorts of nerds. The ski resort with hot spring / hot tub sounds a bit too much like the hot springs we already saw in game. But seeing that last panel makes me very curious about how Craig is going to react facing the Felix+Jess IRL combo.


Well if the Convention Center is outside of the downtown core and a long trip to get to on transit, Lisa could have booked a room at a hotel next to the Convention so that she doesn't need to wear her Star League uniform on the trip there. And hotels have pools. Also, maybe Lisa's friend (or the friend she was sharing the room with) couldn't make it, and there's two queen size beds in the room she booked.