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Whoops! I knew I was going to accidentally press "Publish Now" instead of "Schedule later"! Behind the scenes, I've just finished Book 1 of Robin Harper, Idealized, and I've started on Book 2! However I've set things up so that I have a comfortable buffer, so the final post for Idealized won't appear here until July or August. So while the bad news is while you can't read all of it now, the good news is that in the odd chance that I get struck by a bolt of lightning, you are guaranteed to get all of Book 1!

In the next few weeks I'll probably post some preview panels for Book 2 in the Extra Stuff tier, and now that Evelynn has appeared, I won't have to worry about too many spoilers, because Evelynn will be back in Book 2!



Wait I'm confused, what exactly does this mean? Since you haven't posted anything else today 🤔


I accidentally published a post for Part 10 that was supposed to be published at a later scheduled date now by pressing the wrong button. The last time I did that, everyone got a notification about the accidental post before I could delete it. So if nobody got that notification, I probably posted this message for nothing. That said, I was going to mention in tonight's weekly scheduled posting of Idealized that I've finished setting up all the weekly automated scheduled posts for Idealized.


I did receive the post in my email and I was wondering what was going on till I saw this post