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This new update adds additional body parts, including, a vagina for male werewolves (requested by a patron), an alternative version of the canine penis with a subtle less pointy tip (also requested by a patron), new override files of the human penis for werewolves and the vagina for males, condom support for all current penises, swatches for the labia of male and female vagina, modified textures for the condom boxes, and finally, some minor changes to the tuning file to improve the use of body parts with the body selector of Wicked Whims.
The small update made the 26 of Jun, fixes the override of the wolf vagina for female werewolves.


  • For Werewolves Game Pack and Base Game.
  • For Males and Females.
  • For Teen to Elder.
  • All penises are rigged.
  • Include penises default and non-default.
  • Compatible with HQ Mod.
  • Compatible with the Body Selector from Wicked Whims.
  • All body meshes for Werewolves are compatible with coat colors and the paint mode.
  • Requires the werewolf's expansion and Wicked Whims to work.


  • 157 Package files.
  • 4 Human penis sizes: Small, Average, Big, and Extra Big (for humans and werewolves).
  • 4 Human penis styles: Hard cut and uncut, soft cut and uncut.
  • 8 Wolf penis sizes: Small, Small LP, Average, Average LP, Big, Big LP, Extra Big and Extra Big LP.
  • 4 Wolf penis styles: Hard, Hard LP, Soft and Soft LP.
  • 2 No genitalia meshes for male and female werewolves.
  • 10 Overrides files for the nude bottom meshes of male and female werewolves.
  • 2 Werewolf Tails (one for males and one for females) compatible with coat colors and the paint mod (necklaces).
  • 1 Non default vagina mesh for male and female werewolves, compatible with coat colors and the paint mod.
  • 10 Swatches for the wolf penis in body accessories (rings).
  • 10 Swatches of the human penis for werewolves in body accessories (rings).
  • 5 Swatches for labia of male and female vagina.
  • 10 Custom eye colors for werewolves.
  • 10 Custom nail swatches for the hands and feet of werewolves.
  • 65 Swatches of human penis in tattoos and blush (compatible with the color slider).
  • 10 Condom swatches for human and wolf penis in CAS.
  • 10 Condom wrappers for human penis and wolf penis in activities > exercises.
  • 2 Condom boxes with condoms for human penis and wolf penis in activities > exercises.
  • 1 Pair of custom werewolf feet as default and non-default for males and females.
  • 10 Swatches of hair for pubic, arms, chest, back and legs.
  • 5 Paw Pad textures for hands and custom feet in gloves.
  • Custom thumbnails.
  • Images samples.


  • Delete all the files of the old version for this mod and the condoms if you have them.
  • Decompress this file with 7-zip and move the content of the folder to My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.
  • In case of having problems for running the game after adding this mod. Move the package files to only one folder inside Mods, or shorten the name of the folder of this download.

Features of the Update 2023-06-29:

  • Fixed override of wolf vagina for females.

Features of the update 2023-06-25:

  • Added vagina for werewolves.
  • Added alternative version for wolf penis with a less pointy tip (LP).
  • Added swatches for vagina of werewolves (for males and females).
  • Added condom support for human penis of werewolves.
  • Added condom support for wolf penis (LP).
  • Added default files (overrides) of human penis for werewolves, vagina for males and females, and no genitalia for males and females.
  • Updated textures of condom boxes. Now they display the correct name for each penis compatible with them.
  • All vagina and non genitalia meshes for male and female werewolves, now appears under the category Hard Penis for Werewolves in the body selector of Wicked Whims.
  • Updated thumbnails of all wolf penises.

Known issues:

  • Condoms for werewolf may not be added automatically, even if the sim has the necessary condom wrappers in his inventory. To use the condom over your sim, click over the condom wrapper and select 'Use this Condom'.
  • The vagina for occult female werewolves may look different to the one for males, due to how the game shapes the occult bodies for female werewolves.
  • All penises for the occult form of females may have a deformed pubic area due to how the game deforms the body of these types of sims.

Creation notes:

  • Meshes and textures made by me.

Terms of use:

  • For personal use only.
  • No re-upload.
  • Don't distribute without authorization.
  • Don't publish on pay sites.
  • Don't publish direct links to the download.
  • Don't claim your work.
  • Don't convert to another game or software without permission.




Anyone else have issues when downloaded this mod and then trying to play the game I get an error saying it can't play and once I delete this mod it works?


Hi Jlyn94. This issue happens because the name of the folder of the download is too long to be loaded by the game, or due to having too many subfolders. Usually, shorting the name of the folder or moving all the package file to a single one, solves the problem.


Okay thanks I will try it


not sure why the whickedwhims wont let me select a cooch. seems to be the issue for me atm. as well as having *two* wolf vagina icons. one wiht yours and one with a regular legs icon.


the female vagina is the only override in the override folder. as well as one male.


Hi! WickedWhims still doesn't support the body parts of occult sims except for the hard penis for werewolves, but with this update, you can select the vagina that appears inside that category if you configure your sims to have a penis. The override files will replace the body parts of the game, but you may need to select the vagina using the mentioned method in case the vagina doesn't show up with the animations.


Strange. Ill try friend. Another i noticed before too. They dont equip strapons it seems


is it possible to add the female wolf vagina to all the bottom male gentiles selection? or is it because i have the male override its giving her a shlong? its just imersion breaking a tad. at the same time ide say i just need no be lazy and change her back to vagina when not in use for sexual stuff


you mentioned as well the override replaces it. it sadly does not on my female wolves still. only males


You are right, Lonewolf. There is an issue with the override of the vagina for female werewolves, so I will update the mod with the new file as soon as possible, and yes, it is possible to make the wolf vagina appears on all bottom male categories, but It will not be very useful, as only the category hard penis for werewolves, works for the bottom body part of transformed sims. The issue with Strapons, could be related to the lack of support that Wicked Whims has currently for occult sims. If you have a strap on that works for non-transformed sims or regular ones, should work for the transformed ones, but it is possible that WW is not supporting this function with the occult form of werewolves.

Kitten .

Noir i have a question, would you consider making your futa penis more realistic like the human penis you did here


Hi Kitten. Sure. I think I can easily accomplish that with additional texture maps to add shine and dept to the skin details. That will make it look more like the textures of this mod.


I legitimately could not find the tails I'm glad I read thoroughly this time to see where I could find them again.


Using the condoms for werewolves will cause the penis to shrink in the new update. Although the condom is now showing in game, I think it's still buggy.


Hi Yoru. This happens if the size of the penis has been changed with the sliders of Wicked Whims before adding the condom? Usually, condoms should not have any effect on the penis size, as the tuning file for the condoms, only add the condom texture over certain penises when the condom wrappers are used.


This mod is so great, when I got the Werewolf DLC my first wish was a mod like this. Thank you Noir!


the overrides thing are not working is say that path way are to long i dont knew how to make it shorter


You can make it shorter by renaming the files with short names, this also can work if the name of the folder of the mod is shortened, or if all the packages are moved to a single folder.

Kitten .

it would mean a lot ^^ my main family is one female and one futanari female but noticed the older futa penises werent as realistic as the ones for males


Ok it is not the override folder it is the swatches folder if I take out this folder it works but if I keep it in it doesn’t work


Hi Tiger. Move the files of the Overrides folder, to the main folder of the download. That should work. Also If you can try to shorten the names of the files inside the Overrides folder.

Jayson Vazquez

no matter what i do i cant get it to work with the mod


Hi Jayson. If you are having issues to running the game with the mod, edit the name of his folder to one more shorter. Usually if the path of the files is too long, this is what causes that problem.


hey wich are the default and wich are the non default ? they have af and am in the file name


All the default files have the word 'Override' included or 'Default'. AM and AF just means Adult Male and Adult Female.


I feel kinda stupid, what's the difference between part 1 and part 2? Do I need both folders in my mods folder? I know that the overide requires you to chose just one size. I got that part. But there's penis packages in both parts as far as I can see. Wouldn't they conflict? Should I remove the folders for the ones I won't use? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Foxfire! Yes, you need both parts. The size of the entire mod was too large to be uploaded in one single file on Patreon, so it was divided into two. Both parts have different files, so they shouldn't create conflicts with each other, however, you can delete the files or folders of body parts that you don't want to use.


Thank you for the answer. It makes more sense to me now thanks.


Is it possible to not have sims have junk by default as they always just seem to in my game and it leads to even female werewolves with penises casually.


Yes, you only need to remove the override files of all penises, and keep only the ones that you want to have.


Seems like no matter what I do, they always have something. I kept in only the no penis/no vagina overrides and now female werewolves bottomless have flaccid werewolf penises. I don't get it.


Is there any plan on making a flaccid vers of the canine model be 'sheathed'? Having it erect but just lowered looks a lil silly, so I'm just wondering if that's possible!


I've been wondering the same thing, Kris! Here's to hoping :)


'ello. I had ran into and issue with teenage werewolves. A female werewolf teenager had a human penis when in wolf form. Even though she's supposed to be a woman ( I can't know for certain as she was an townie, however only female body parts was available in WW and she was set to have a vagina in WW.) I tried fixing the body parts via WW put it didn't work even though WW said it had saved the part. I don't know if the issue is on your or WW side. However removing your mod did fix the issue. I have chosen both a male and female part in the override folder. Neither which is the human version so I'm no sure why the game stuck that on her. I also couldn't chose any of your parts in WW. Though that may be due to WW no longer supporting teenagers.


Hi Foxfire. The most probably cause for the penis appearing as the default mesh of your female sims, is that an override file with that mesh remains on the Mods folder. This last version contains 5 override files for the bottom part of females. Delete all of them, except for the one that you may want to keep. If the issue is still present after having only two overrides files (one for males and one for females) as you toll me, maybe, there is an override file that is misplaced. Try to delete all the overrides, just to be sure that this is not the case, or you also can delete all the mod, and download it again. Unless your sim have the settings to have a penis as genitals, this issue should not be present, so I'm very sure that the cause is an override file that has not been removed.


How do override files work? I don't know exactly what they are used for. I need help please.


Hi Cristhofer. The override files replace the original meshes of the game, but they are not very necessary, as you can assign a non-default body part as the default mesh of your sim using the body selector of Wicked Whims. Nevertheless, having an override file of a penis or a foot, will allow you to see his meshes during the painting mode in CAS, which at the same time will allow you to paint over them and correct the fur colors of the custom meshes if needed. I do recommend keeping the overrides that you may want to use in these cases. After correcting the fur color, you can save your sim and game, then remove the overrides, and restart the game. This should not affect the fur paint.


Hi Red Pill. This is caused by the override files, also know as default files. Remove all the override files that you don't want or need, that should solve the issue.

Red Pill

My issue was deleted some how but I believe this is the answer to it I'll try this as I'm having the same issue


I believe I figured out the issue. The penis "clothes" are considered by the game as valid pants for werewolves, hence it randomly assigns it to townies. The issue even occur in CAS when making a new werewolf.


Question: would it ever be possible in the future to add breasts for werewolves? I know this might be a silly question, but I imagine that would be kind of a nightmare to achieve on the existing model.


Is hard to say. The mesh for the top body part of female werewolves is almost the same as the one for regular sims, but the game deforms the mesh for female werewolves in a way that makes their body look too bulky and reduces the size of the breasts drastically. This is a default feature that can not be changed, as far as I know. It will be necessary to change how the morphs work for that kind of sims to be able to have actual breasts for them, and I'm not sure if that can be possible. I will research more about it and consult with other creators.


Thank you for taking the time looking into this, and for answering my question :)


Hello, my wonderful human! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I add a hard penis version to my werewolf sim it remains equipped after sex is done and must be removed via CAS, which I can't do because the game crashes when I try to enter CAS! I've placed all files one folder deep in the Mods folder and have renamed it to something shorter. I have tried with and without default replacement bottoms and with the no genitals option. I have started a fresh save without the mods in my folder and readded them after to the same result. After removing this mod and re-adding my other (much simpler) werewolf penis mod that one is acting the same way, so I'm not 100% if its an issue with this mod, wickedwhims, or I just am really good at fucking up my game XD


Any help or advice you might have would be greatly appreciated! I'm also wondering if I could've messed something up when doing batch fixes via Sims4Studio? TYSM for your consideration and wonderful CC! My game would seriously lack diversity without your contributions :)


Hi Ariel! It looks like you already have tried most options to solve this issue. If this problem persists after deleting all default files, I think it could be a problem with Wicked Whims. It could be the mod or the current settings. Check what dressing options you have and if the penis can be removed by changing the outfit of the sim with the game menu and not in CAS. Also, if your game is crashing when you enter CAS. It could be necessary to remove or update any mod that edits his properties, like the one that adds more columns.


I very much appreciate the advice and thank you for the quick response! When I change the outfit in game there is no penis on the other outfits, but it remains on the original one when I switch back. I'm going to try a fully clean, modless save and maybe repair the game before trying again. Thanks again!!! <3


Last question (hopefully) do I need the no genitalia override if I dont want them to have penises when not having sex? As in, they have a hard penis when having sex, but resort back to the regular no penis mesh when done. I like my werewolves to be "naked", and dont want the soft penis override lol. The werewolves ears are glitched, too, until the penis is equipped for the first time, then its fine. Also, idk how popular a suggestion this might be, but do you plan on making a lower body replacement for male werewolves that come with a knot as default? JW :) Thanks for your patience and help!


I think the solution is to equip the no genital mesh for every outfit and just "dress up" after sex. At least, that is working for me! I made a female werewolf sim in CAS and she had a different penis equipped for every outfit, idk why lol. I did place the werewolf vagina override in my mods, and removing the penises in CAS seems to work, not a problem for me. Thank you again for the wonderful CC! <3


Would it be possible to have a separate werewolf upper body option? I'm using Dumbaby's Thor shirt mesh on my ww but when he has sex in ww for he loses the detail from the mesh and deflates... I would like access to it through ww like I can when in human form


I dont understand how to be werewolf do you need the dlc?


Yes, you need to have the expansion. However, you can use some of the meshes of this mod without it.


Hi Dan. I think it is possible, but if what you want is a version for werewolves of the top mesh made by Dumbaby, is something that only his creator can provide.


Another question. How to have red pp cuz mine is same as skin on werewolf


Select in CAS one of the textures for the penis. For werewolves, you can find them in body accessories.