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I'm correcting my new standard bottom mesh for male custom mods. This mesh has a more uniform geometry, better weight paint for the anus, and also better maps. 

With this mesh, I'm creating a new one for the male vagina, which will include also a rigged anus. 




Most of your anus meshes are discussing. I work in the OR and the only people that have anuses like this are patients who need surgery to repair oversize trenched anuses...Tone it down your going to far...A happy anus doesn't stay open it contracts so shit will not spill out,,,...Does yours contract?


If an anus doesn't retract by closing back up that's called incontinence and its a disease as well as a mess. I don't mind gay male animation however you or whomever has determined where the anus is anatomically is to close to the scrotum on the male meshes. The anus is situated between and above the two crease lines where the legs meet the but cheeks. Not next to genitals and is within the niche of the but cheeks...The way most anal animations are executed with the new anus appears as if it's herniated and that just sick looking. All the animation I've seen done or upgraded via this new anus mesh look anatomically way off. There should be an option to not use this animated mesh in all fairness. The anal animations before this so called upgrade in my opinion were more realistic.


Thats because an anus only opens when pushed against. Not sitting open before a probe makes contact...Otherwise it's incontinent. An anus that appears beyond the premium is either herniated or diseased...Please consider making the animated anus deeper and posterior opposed to both reproductive organs...Hopefully you will consider & pass my suggestions and request on to your peers who developed this new animated anus. Thanks if you hear me...


Hi omegaton144. The screenshot with the dilated anus is just a demonstration of how it can be opened with the anus bones in the animations. By default, the anus stays closed and it will open only with those animations that manipulate those joints. The distance between the anus and the genitalia may appear a way off, but I can't change it as there is where the anus bones are positioned. I don't have any control over the position of the bones, so I need to respect the place where are located. If this changes in the future, without a doubt, I will be glad to correct it.


Thanx for your reply... I think the issue persist because the crease on both legs where the but cheeks begins is non existent on any mesh. Even a flat but has a seem between the legs and buttocks and has a darker tone within the skin fold. Without this marker the animated anus is out of line with the anatomy of the perineum that begins at the triangular prominence that curves into the anus.


Is WW responsible for the design of the animated anus design or is Khalas? Hopefully they can make one that's not so wide and close to the genitals....The only way for me the animated anus doesn't distort anal animations is if the receiving Sims is wearing some type of thong...