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I have mixed feelings with the clamps in this new accessory, maybe it will look better with piercing rings. Also, it will nice have this two options on the game. 

The last days I work a little in the textures for the bowl of pets, I added milk, dog food, water, pee, cum, and a empty option. But now thinking more about this, I noticed that is necessary a blood texture and a more dirty cum bowl. 

Looks like a very simple addition to the game but with animations and poses you can done so much with this.




is there annimation for the pet bowls


good idea !!

Reitanna Seishin

cool! maybe a male version too? >_


Sure, It will take a little more of time make version for the nude top of males for better body and the luumia's, but it will nice to do it.

SM Sims

I love the clamp, and am very interested to see how you will map it to UV1. I can't seem to get anything along the chest area to deform correctly -_-


Yes, is really frustrating get a good UV1. But until now I got a good result with the accessories for nipples, I hope get the same with this accessory.