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The second winner from the April character poll is Doric from Dungeons & Dragons. Quite a few of you wanted to see her this month! I still haven't seen the movie, but I've heard nice things, so maybe I'll get to check it out sooner or later.
Download the Standard Version Here
Download the Hood Alt Here  



Excellent work! Much better than I would have anticipated for such a little known character.

Icyartillary (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-15 11:05:29 Ooh never enough Sophia Lillis, here’s to a long and heavily restrained career
2023-04-15 03:37:17 Ooh never enough Sophia Lillis, here’s to a long and heavily restrained career

Ooh never enough Sophia Lillis, here’s to a long and heavily restrained career


Man, that custom-hood is a whole lot of fun to keep her busy (and make the escape rolls that much harder)! :D