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Helloo everyone! So we have a new Q&A, but Stella will be answering your questions this time!!!! Feel free to ask anything, you can address your questions to me or her...you are a grownup, it's on your own risk xD

Ask your questions in the comments bellow! I will collect them in 15 days and make a video.

Thank you for your support ♥



Xavier Boatright

When did you start drawing and when did you start posting art? Also love the drawings just the look of them are amaxing.


The safety pin is a nice touch but I can't imagine that feels to Pleasant lol


How is Flou and how is Stella


Hello Stella, I am curious as to what your opinions are of humans. If a human were to ever express that they have an interest toward you that could be best described by the Greek word "Ερως" ... how would you feel toward knowing that?


Stella! I love you! By the way, how big are your tits?


So how you become a fallen angel ?


whats ur fav hotdog topping stella


To Stella: Have you ever read the works of Kurt Vonnegut?

Damien Olivera

Is Netflix Cowboy Bebop worth watching?

Michael Huff

What does Stella's typical day look like? What does Flou's typical day look like?


Is you wife material or naw


Flou Are you ever worried new character designs look too similar?


Stella, what was the biggest thing you've put inside your ass, how far did it go in, and do you enjoy anal?


What would you want to do, if you could do anything?


Stella and Flou, what's your favorite music genre? Also (just for Stella), boobs or ass?

Just Lurkin' About

Stella, what non-sexual activity do you like to do for fun?

Wade E.

How large can you make your boobs? Will you show us?


Stella, are you fan of other fallen angels from diferent media? Also, are fallen angel feet different from a regular human?


Hi Stella. Does pineapple go on pizza? Coke or Pepsi? Rain or sunshine? Tits or ass? M&Ms or Skittles?


Are you Rinning, madame?


Flou, how did your unique painting style come into being?


What education do you have?


Stella, do you make chocky milk with your "special milk"? Flou, do/can you drink it? And for more serious questions: Flou, what drew you to Newgrounds all those years ago and were you nervous about posting your work to the public?

Alec Barrickman

Can you show us your brown eye?


Stella, how did you meet Rinn?


Stella, before you fell, did you have a specific job? I remember that some angels, being servants, have special jobs.