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Helloo patrons, here is Sailor Moon, you can download full size image and wallpaper in the attachment bellow.
Sorry for the fuzz, but this stuff is no joke. I don't want to be reported by some individual and suddenly my patreon is canceled -.-" All the fan art characters I draw are 18+...hell, 2B is only 2/3 years old, and no one is talking about that xD

Thank you for your support, stay safe! 




The people that go for cancellation of artists are the biggest Hypocrites out there. Don't engage in conversation with them and don't try to defend yourself or justify yourself to them. Best to just ignore them and not give them any attention.


Oh yeah now that you expressed that she's 18+ I won't feel guilty! Jokes aside, these cancellation culture fellows are indeed quite scary with their hypocrisy, I agree that not giving them any attention is the best thing to do. Keep it on!


omg! this drawing of a fictional character with adult features and adult looks is actually fictionally a vaguely underage character D: love your work as usual xDD


god insta