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Hello patrons, well, I'm not satisfied with this animation, I thought it was OK, but at this point I see some stuff I can't fix, it has to be redrawn all over again...but I got too far, so I leave the decision up to you.
They are too static, boobs has incorrect movement, idk what to do with hair, also they go up and down -.-"" these small issues bugs me so much, that I can't continue -.-"""""
Should I start all over or finish it? (I was decided to delete this animation)

If you decide to finish this, I'll just finish it in hurry, which means mehhhh result. xD 



I'd rather you work on something you'd be happy with than feel obligated to force something out


Do you prefer to finish this in a hurry and start something else you like better or to redraw it for an improved achievement?


3rd option..I told that I was prepared to delete this animation xD


I say do it again, or don't do it... But I'd love to see the before and after to see how it changes!

El Carlos Aguillón

I think start again, but keep being Nami and Robin, please 🙏


ayeee! of course, it is a poll winner, I can't change it ;D


I say do whatever you want. It won the poll and you at least attempted. If you so happen to accidentally click the delete key, empty your recycle bin, and start something else I wont say a word :P

Cheese Al Fonte

Go ahead and do it again if you're not happy with it. I'd be interested to see what other ideas you can come up with!


how come im in the minority, im seeing more than good enough results here, but ultimately you should do what you want, from my experience creative projects get so annoying once they take too long to finish


Do both. Start over and make it how you want it. Then when you're done go back and see what you could have done to make it like the remake. I do that with coding all the time.


I think, that the one giving problems is the girl on the left, boobs go up too fast.


yeah, also the whole body movement...whole loop is on 22 frames, which is unreasonably a lot, I have to find a more efficient way