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Helloo patrons! I'm very sorry for the lack of content, I'm still struggling with my health. I feel
a lot better lately, no depressions or stress, but it's still not perfect.

Also sorry for the low quality, I wanted to do more illustrations of Bea, also her with Nessa but I couldn't. My diagnose takes time to "heal." Well, I have this for the rest of my life so...all I can do is to be careful with everything, especially stress, both physical and mental.

Also had lack of sleep lately, because of the tinnitus -_- I can't even mask the sound, I can hear it in shower, in car, while listening to music, it's fucking crazy. Also heard a lot of people how tinnitus destroyed or changed their lives and I can definitely feel this on my own.

But I found a good way how to deal with it - drawing! The only issue is I'm super tired because of the histamine intolerance and lack of sleep. It will get better, I promise! xD

2B is almost done!  After 2B I will focus on finishing PinkToy and How to Boobs tutorial.

Thank you all for your support and understanding, take care! ♥




Sorry to hear about your health, but I'm glad you're feeling better❤


I'm glad that you're feeling better, please keep your health as the top priority. I think we can all agree that you need to be ok before worrying about pumping out a bazillion drawings


well this one is amazing, always a joy to see more of your work, I really hope u start feeling better soon, it sucks to hear what ur going through.. wish we could do something about it

Cheese Al Fonte

I appreciate you continuing to work despite all this horrible stuff that has happened to you. It really shows your dedication as an artist, and it’s very inspirational. Make sure to take care of yourself. If you don’t mind me asking though, do you still plan on working on the Nami and Robin animation from the poll they won a while ago? I’d just like to know the status of that. I still look forward to your Pink Toy and How to Draw Boobs projects. If you want to work on those two things first then that’s fine with me. Thank you. 😊


thanks so much for the support, can't thank you enough! Yes, but once I'm fine! I'm currently not in mood to create new stuff