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Hello patrons, I didn't want to bring this on public, but I'm sorry in advance. I won't be very active in upcoming days.
My ear started to ring, I hear a constant sound 24/7 in my right ear. I sounds like a garden vacuum cleaner. It is driving me insane, I'm loosing my mind. I'm now only focusing on that sound, even tho I'm trying to ignore it. Even pain can be ignored, but this is unbearable. Almost had mental breakdown last night.

I can hardly focus on my work, I have to work in noisy environment (I was used to work in silence) to be able to ignore the sound. It is worst when I go to sleep. I noticed this sound idk....about 4 days ago. It came out of the blue, one day you wake up and hear ringing....

I'll go to a doctor, hope it is related to some ear/mouth cavity clearance, because I can hear the sound when I yawn even more. When I yawn it will wear off for a few seconds. Also there is a pop in the ear when I click a mouse or someone sneeze....so I hope it's not serious. I'm not prepared to live with this.

So, I'll take few days off to adapt to this new personal hell. I'm now in a very bad mood,  frustrated, scared and tired. My only fear is it will get worse ._.

I don't want you to be worry, I'll handle it somehow, just wanted you to know that I have some personal issues that might affect the content.

Okay, thank you for your support and understanding, take care! 



Take your time and get the help you need!

korie dae

wow dude. sorry to hear that. take care of yourself.

Cheese Al Fonte

:( sounds horrible, I hope you'll be able to cure this as soon as possible


Stay safe and don't worry avout posting, get some rest and have a doc do their magic


It’s all good man, take your time. 👍 I hope your hearing gets better soon!


Oh sweet jesus, hope you get well soon. Take your time

Uncle Flaco

Hope ya get that cleared out dude. Stay Well 👍

Jonathan Nevarez

Sounds like you have tinnitus. Do you work at a very loud place, or listen to music loudly? I have it and know that it's a pain in the ass. It helps a little to listen to softer music, and definitely at a moderate/low volume.


We’ll be here when you get back, hope you get better soon and hope it’s nothing serious


Ik how infuriating that sort of malady can be, hope you recover soon!

Draven Shadow

You do what you need to to get better. Your health is more important by far so please take care and I hope you get better very soon simply to save your sanity. :-(


You should probably go to the doctor to be safe but from experience it almost sounds like you're "overusing" your ears, like how you use your eyes too long you start to get a headache.


Oh man, I'm so sorry! I work in quiet workplace, I listen music only when I do easy work at moderate levels.


Thank you all for your kind comments! It makes me very happy and gives me a lot of encouragement! Woke up today and my second ear is starting to ring with completely different tone ._. have a meeting with doc next Wednesday, hope it goes well.


you need to see a doctor asap! i dont want to scare you it could be nothing but it also can be a symptom of something worse, anyways the earlier the better and take care of yourself


thanks! well, doctor has vacation so I have to wait -_-


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that it is nothing serious and you get well soon.


Hi Flou, I'm sorry to hear about that, hope you get better soon! I once saw a video about people that a troubled with tinnitus, that tried a "Reddit Tinnitus Cure". I don't know if it's related to what you're experiencing now, but i guess it can't hurt to try, here is a link if you're interested : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgkPOGD6gw


Thank you very much, appreciate it! I had to play a forest water stream whole night. I love being in silence, but it is frightening rn. Some natural BG noise helps a lot

William King

Aye tinnitus fun stuff. Every time you hear a louder screeching an it burns off means that frequency is dead an burnt out in that ear.

William King

Oh sorry that said if you haven’t be sure to get it looked at. Tinnitus has a sadly high suicide rate.