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Hello patrons, I would like to ask you, what would you like to get as an 10$ patron? You can already get making of videos, source files, full size images and plenty of stuff...I have a few ideas, but I will not share them atm, it will only affect your answers. Do you have any ideas? What should I offer? 

Ok and next one, do you enjoy this patreon? Should I change something, do you have any issues? I feel like my stuff is boring and I'm not as entertaining as you would wish to...if you have anything, please let me know in the comments, I'll try my best to fix it.

Thank you very much!



korie dae

I enjoy this patreon! keep creating, dude!


Definitely enjoy the patreon it's always nice to see new work from you, just keep creating

Ricky Bakker

I have been a fan since I saw your "Mead girls" shirt on tumblr, you've progressed a lot since then and I'm glad I can pay you something for all this art. I enjoy your goth punk style and if I were a fashion designer I would steal all your ideas!

Art of the Crowe

Maybe give the $10 patrons more voting power but they have to leave a comment on the voting page to where they would like their extra votes to go. Also maybe do a quick custom sketch for them too but it would have to be something that could be done in less than an hour so it doesn't take up a lot of your time during the month for your bigger projects.


The only complaint I have is that ok, fanart polls are cool, but I'd like to see more of yours OCs. That said, you're a cool artist with a cool patreon.

Robin the Bun

I've been a fan since the Tumblr days and I'm still having a great time! Keep up the good work!


wow, thanks so much! Yeah, it's been a long way, I'm really glad that you are still here, it makes me very happy ^^


thank you very much, yeah, it sounds very good! I like the idea of more voting power


thanks so much ^^ oh okay! :D so more OCs in general


Possibly $10 patreons and up might get prints of some of your work and they get to vote on what gets printed and dispersed


thank you very much for your support ^^ I'm very happy that you still supporting me this whole time, hope I will not disappoint you


thanks ^^ uh oh, prints! yeah I wanted to do it, but it is not possible on patreon -.-" I would have to set up E shop and somehow give you free print (which is not possible, most shops are billing you for printing and distribution services, artists have like 1$ per sell and whole print is for like 30$)


unless you can magically clone yourself and finish full art pieces on daily basis, ur patreon can't get any better than it already is lol, I have so much joy checking on the works you made and even your sketches, ur art style is amazing. this patreon is breathtaking, you are breathtaking.


Your Patreon is dope, you update regularly, chat to everyone, take on everyone’s input. Have absolutely no complaints, I blame you for making me frequently check for Patreon emails to see what fantastic stuff you’ve put up.