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  • Rough cut_wip09.mp4



Hellooo patrons, sorry I haven't posted anything this month, I've been working full time on this. I wanted to share another 5 cuts, but I'm not able to finish the 5th one in time. So I'll share what I got for this month. The next update will have 6 more cuts :D

shot 8, the foot against her face, took me 3 fucking weeks to complete -.-" I have 2 more such close ups, there is no way I'll be able to meet the deadline I've set. Wanted to release this in april/may, but it will be delayed. Idk by how much.

So I've decided to chill and work on some small side thingies, so you have some "snacks" at least while waiting. That + I'm loosing patrons, I need to keep some flow xD

I've added VA, but some lines needs retakes.

what I'm working on now::
clean up animation - 10/25
coloring - 10/25
voice over - Japanese VA

what awaits::
- sound design/editing/mixing
- backgrounds (3D model for guides, paintings)
- graphic design (title, credits, chibi widget,  )
- promo material (poster, thumbnails, cover)
- patreon rewards

Thank you for your support! ^^



George Nesbitt Jr.

Oh take your time bc ik ima enjoy this animation


Don't rush on this master peace ! Good job flo!!


This is already looking like the best Darkness animation ever made, holy smokes!


I'm curious, what about cut 8 was causing you trouble? I've been learning animation here and there and it's always interesting to hear your thoughts.

Flesh Paint

Looks like it will be well worth the wait true fans of your work will stay regardless tho so don’t force yourself to rush for the patrons sake


Nah this is gonna be peak. The detail is insane! Take yo sweetttt timeeeeee on gawd lol 😂

Fausto Carlos De los Cobos Sierra

I recently started taking seriously animation and took a course of inbetweening and damn I appreciated before your work but know that I know how fck difficult actually is I have nothing but admiration to you! You actually fast … like really fast. Take your time don’t know how you do it to keep up without causing to much stress on your hands


oh wow, thanks so much! O-O good luck with your animation, take your time and have fun! Just having fun and enjoying the process keeps me going for so long ^^