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Okay, sorry for the bad joke! :D

I'm still here, and the updates are coming! I'm busy with my life and stuff, had to deal many things this month! So don't worry the comics are ready just waiting for the upload! And you will get both of it this week in time!

I just wanted to give an update so you can expect your comic! ;) 



When? 2 weeks without an update? People pay you for regular content


Totally understand your concern! I don't want to find excuses, but I always brought the content, so you don't have to worry about that now or in the future! I have some personal life issues what stops me to release content in time. I think it happens with each and every one of us! I don't want to find excuses or anything all I ask is a little understanding... I think I earned ppl's trust during this almost one year! :) <3