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This will narrow it down a bit, but it's still very vague. Don't worry... the hints will get more specific as we go!

Today's hint is that it is a multiplayer game.

Only two guesses so far:

The Witcher 3 and Guilty Gear Strive

Let's see those guesses! If you're worried about coming up with an idea for a photoshoot, remember that all you have to do is let me know which girl you want to see and I'll take care of the rest... everything else is optional!

Any named girls are valid, which means if you to see more of Bernice, Olivia, or Tsubasa (if you even know/remember who they are) you can!



Destiny 2?




For today, I'll choose... Titanfall 2 (yes, I still hope that someone plays the game at all)

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I figured the least I could do is respond to these with some thoughts, haha. Not Destiny 2. I played the first Destiny and I think I might have played 2 when it first came out, but I didn't have a group to do end game content with, so never really got into it. I've heard it's improved quite a bit over the years, though.

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Not Fortnite. I played it long, long ago when it was a shadow of what it is now, and I played it just long enough to know one thing... I'm too old for Fortnite. By that, I mean I don't have the reflexes required to do the multitasking involved in frantically building while also shooting at people.

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Not Titanfall 2. I've actually never played the multiplayer, but I played through the campaign when I was doing let's plays on YouTube. I know a lot of people loved the story... I fucking hated it. I hated that stupid fucking robot. I felt like it was nothing but a hand-me-down from a dead man... I wanted my own Titan, not some corpse's leftovers. The fact that it just calls you "pilot" for 90% of the campaign didn't help, so I just called him robot when I referred to him. And those dialogue choices you got when he asked you something? I stopped answering them all together. I liked the gameplay when I was out of the Titan though, haha!


Oh no, I loved every moment of the campaign xD I guess we'll agree to disagree on this one

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Oh, trust me.. I know I'm waaaay in the minority here. A lot of it might have had to do with the fact that I was also doing commentary while playing it, so I probably leaned into the whole "hating the robot" thing a lot harder than I would have otherwise, haha!

gary lewis

fall guys or multiversus


Call of Duty: WWII


Saints Row

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Never played either of them, believe it or not... and I don't think either of them is over 5 years old (yesterday's hint). Fall Guys was pretty amusing to watch, though!

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Nope, and I'll go ahead and say it isn't any CoD game. Man... I lost a lot of hours in MW2 back in the day...

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Not any of the Saints games. Haven't played the newest one (and not sure if I want to), but the older ones, especially 2, 3, and 4 were SOOO good! I still think that Pierce is probably my favorite character in a video game, and so criminally underrated. He's in so many amazing and hilarious moments in those game... good stuff! Great co-op games as well!

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The other thing you didn't see was that you only get one guess a day :D. Haha.. I suppose that's my fault for not putting it in today's updated hint... I'll make sure I do a recap of all hints and guesses from now on as well... my bad! Also... nope, not Siege! ;D

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Oh, and speaking of Siege, I played it a bit several years ago and really liked it (even though I sucked at it), but it's one of those games that I would be too scared to try to get into again because people have gotten scary good at it!

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Ooo.. an interesting guess! While I've played through almost every FF game, I've never actually touched either of the MMO entries. I was always intrigued by them, but never pulled the trigger and actually gave them a go.


Escape from Tarkov?

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Nope! This game looks waaaay to complicated for my old ass, haha! All the videos I've watched make it seem brutal as hell!