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Thor The Dark World 2013 FULL REACTION


Kim Magee

From memory Disney didn't acquire Marvel until the Avengers and then later brought the rights to Iron Man Captain America Thor etcetera

Onno Smits

Incorrect, Disney bought Marvel (including the movie rights to all characters they still owned the rights to themselves) back in 2009. After the massive success of Iron Man (and The Incredible Hulk), but before even Iron Man 2 came out (though it was in pre-production already). Disney paid $4bln for Marvel and it has since earned them over $18bln. Good deal!

Keith Duperreault

While I still like the film... this is one of my least favorite MCU films. This is also the last substandard quality MCU film for a while. The rest are all top tier

Luke Fitton

Christopher Eccleston is a very talented actor who did the best with what he had as this film’s villain but what a waste for such a good actor.

Keith Duperreault

As I'm watching this again, I little part of me is bothered again by the little things in this movie that I see in so many other low quality films. If I see another villain 'knocking the hero back 20 feet' as their main form of attack, I think I'll scream. That's the stuff you see on CW shows... I expect more of theatrical films. Malaketh has an artifact that Odin himself said predated the beginning of the universe, and his father wasn't powerful enough to destroy.... and what does he use it for? To throw Thor backwards a few meters..... ugh.

Kim Magee

They did buy Marvel in 2009 but Paramount still distributed the movies up until the Avengers

Kim Magee

I'm not sure how it works but I also read that they did have to buy the rights to Iron Man 1 and 2 Thor and Captain America I was pretty sure that I had read that somewhere but regardless still an incredible deal the how much money they have made and they paid 71 billion for 21st Century Fox, man 😮

Kim Magee

I love Hemsworth but this is not one of my favourite movies actually it's probably my least favourite, maybe the first Hulk

Simon Williams

I’m glad people aren’t spoiling you too much with opinions. There’s a consensus that this is one of the MCU’s weaker films but rewatching it with you guys it I realized it’s actually a really fun movie, I think some of what’s to come was just so much better that maybe people kind of saw it as the weak link by default. But trust me you’re going to be glad you didn’t skip it.

Papi Dillion

for any upcoming polls for our marvel fans can we try to make sure the orginal spiderman trilogy is in there for them to watch. they are great movies aand i feel they will enjoy them a lot, also the amazing spiderman series, and eventually xmen, which isnt a priority since theyve already seen deadpool. love you guys and your reactions i'll be requesting these when i can if no one else does.

Take a Ticket

We have both seen the Toby Maguire trilogy years ago, have not seen the Andrew Garfield ones though :)

Count Monte-Cristo

But people didn't knew what will come, when there already was consensus. I think, most people didn't get the movie when they saw it back then. It's introduction of Aether and sets up many things, which later will be paid off.


As you move through the MCU movies the trailers get better and better. It would be fun to see you react to just the trailer for whatever upcoming movie there is. Maybe before the movie like you do your lists. The quality of the trailers is unbelievable and I think they’re available on YouTube. Maybe do it even if you don’t publish it. They know how to hype a movie. Just don’t watch trailers of movies any that you’re not about to watch. Loving seeing all of these through your eyes!

Count Monte-Cristo

Remember the collector. And Odin stuff will be revealed later


Christopher Eccleston is almost unrecognisable as Malekith

Michelle Leach

I LOVE this movie!!🥰 so happy to see y’all enjoy so much!! I like the darker real tones of this movie with the perfect balance of humor. Some people prefer the more flashy/campy type marvel but this one rocks the sock!! I think I saw 4 times in theaters when it came out.. oops!🤣 I bawledddd as I thought Loki died when I was young and still bawled on rewatch knowing he didn’t hahah. Also it’s so sweet of Loki of u notice during the fight he immediately jumps to shield Jane and then protects her again🖤 great reaction as always:)


Definitely the weakest film of Phase 2 and for most people the worst MCU film for quite awhile, even though this sets up a few important things for later on.. Mostly, I think it's because this had one of the weakest or most forgettable villains, which are unfortunately a common occurrence in MCU movies.. The rest of Phase 2 is great though, with Captain America 2 (which I mentioned previously) as being one of my favorites..

Laura Dawson

Not my favourite one, but I love a bit of Loki so I’m still excited to watch this one with you!