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Attack on Titan S4 Episode 24 Reaction



I really don't care for Mikasa and that scene with the girl on her death bed is one of the reasons why. I know everyone loves her but to me her character is literally nothing without Eren. She never shows compassion towards anyone but Eren and I guess Armin.. She's always so cold to everyone, doesn't say much, and everything is always about Eren. Like take Eren out of this anime and who is Mikasa? Just some soldier who's really good at fucking people and Titans up. But both times she's interacted with that girl, who's life she saved, she's been so fucking cold to her for no reason. Sure, I get it, some people don't like the feeling of being idolized by someone.. But to take that scarf from her knowing she's on her death bed? Like.. what? The least she could of done if she was going to take the scarf would be to sit with her and chat for awhile. Give her some comfort before just leaving with a scarf she finds so comforting and valuable to her. (the girl on her death bed) When she walked away from her while she was still talking.. that was like the nail in the coffin for me.


I also wanted to mention something about Hitch. I'm not sure if they made it clear in the anime but in the OVAs about Annie it's showed that the two of them were roommates while Annie was in the military police. They were pretty close to each other although their relationship was kinda weird. So I'm sure that when Hitch found out Annie was the female titan that really upset her and I'm sure there was a lot that she wanted to talk about with Annie now that she was finally awake again. It's just unfortunate that all this is going on and Annie doesn't have the time to sit and chat with an old friend. I wish the two of them could of gotten more closure with each other.

Russell Gambardella

Mikasa's depiction in the anime is one of the few criticisms many manga readers have, as she's shown to be a bit more of an individual as opposed to just shouting "Eren!" for the first 3 seasons. As for the scene where she coldly walks away from Louise on her death bed, while this doesn't excuse her coldness and I also was like wtf at first, I think the reason she's unreasonably cold toward Louise in the 4th season is because she sees a lot of herself in how Louise blindly devoted everything to her, and is disgusted by it as she comes to terms with processing how she herself similarly has always devoted her entire being to Eren, who is now essentially slaughtering all of humanity.


So you're telling me a girl who witnessed both of her parents murdered in front of her and nearly sold into prostitution isn't a well adjusted individual? Wow, who would have guessed? I can see why some people find her annoying as a character, but you have to keep in mind she's lost everyone important to her besides Eren and Armin, and now she's even more messed up after the things Eren has done in S4. She's going through a hell of a lot.