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We now return to our regularly scheduled conversation.

(Avoided the start-of-month delay this time. Not bad.)



Tazer Silverscar

Heheh, would like to see what would happen if Sabs was her type, heheh.

Viro Veteruscy

Nice page, wouldn't mind a spin-off of with the doctor sometime. Always why I like characters with enough background/depth cause you can never run out of ideas. Though some stories can go down hill when characters lose their personalities and become something they weren't before. Not saying that, for example, Sabrina is incapable of working as an actress at the studio but it'd take a lot of build-up and character development to convince me that she'd make such a choice logically. Perhaps it's just me, but I like having context to the choices characters make then the whole "character is nice and caring" to suddenly "character is a cuck or drug addict" without any real explanation to it. Anyway sorry for the rambling, good page. Keep up the good work :3

Ivory Sai'ee

she handled that nicely

Glenn Sellers

Last Panel: Truer words were never spoken, Sabrina.

Wendell Hong

Where did this even come from? Was there an out cry for more gay characters in the strip?


at least she took it MOSTLY okay.


It'll be interesting to see where this line of dialogue will lead to.


Zig Zag, usually :)


First frame, Sabrina should be saying either: "You're gay?" or "You're a lesbian?"


Her wife will ask Sabrina to introduce them to Zig Zag.


Being kind here... You clearly haven't been paying attention. Or blotted out the strip where you saw said doctor with her wife from your mind...

Wendell Hong

It's a delayed reaction. I saw that then but didn't bother to say anything. Finding more ways to bring it up is starting to bore me.




Not necessarily. In this case chalk it up to Sabrina being a bit flustered, and switching gears in the middle of a sentence.


Hola perdon pero un amigo del canal llamado history of animation estara haciendo la animacion de sabrina


Se que no me vas a contestar eric pero el quiere tu amigo ayudar con tu historia increible pero trabajen juntos algun dia el quiere que este en pantalla grande la de sabruna oline porfavor respondeme se que no me conoces pero almenos contestame somos fanaticos de tu historieta porfavor amigo