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Eat a stick of chalk if you have to.



Madd the Sane

I remember SciShow mentioning you need calcium for muscles to work.

Bryan Meagher

Watch it R.C. or you might get sprayed again and this time not on accident


Not sure what I should be concerned for. The fact that they were this close to making a complete lactation joke or that they just compared Sabrina, 20-something skunk woman, to a cow, which honestly could also have been a fat joke.


Behold the power of Cheese!


I forget, are cows anthro'd or not in this universe?

Glenn Sellers

The only ungulate I recall seeing is one of Zig Zag's porn actors who's a horse.


"I don't think I'll tell Sabrina you compared her to a cow." "Good call." Genius! LOL!

Viro Veteruscy

Good mooooove R.C. >w> ... I'll let myself out...


yeah, R.C. probably wants to keep the rest of his ribs and his balls intact for sure.


I just took an L YEP.


"Bovine Milk Fever" thats a term I never thought I'd hear, and yet it makes sense.


A little tip from a health website: Good sources of calcium include: low-fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream; dark green, leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, collard greens, and bok choy; canned sardines and salmon with bones; tofu, almonds, and corn tortillas; foods fortified with calcium, such as orange juice, cereals, and breads.


This brings into question where all the characters get their meat and milk from.

Paulie Lombardo

She should probably go a see a chiropractor as well


Why does the OB/GYN feel like she's barely hanging on by her fingernails?