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Let's start kicking folks out. This room has entirely too many skunks in it, for starters.




Like a lil panda hehe ^^


"Which one of you gets to be the father?" Good one, Tina!!! Plus, I hope Endora can finally start liking RC. He's a good guy.

D. Stuart

A cute grandbaby seems to be helping that, already! Grandmama is hooked. RC may get a reprieve from the 'unworthy to (fill in the blank) my daughter', now. Great stuff! Stubat.


you're just one sneeze away from the ultimate stinkbomb


2 things: 1: Tabitha nicknames RC after a dead anime character, and 2: it should say "I would so love to have one". Other than that, another great strip.


A toast to Sabrina and rc.


Out of Stacey and Tracy I like Tracy. I don't know why. Also gald we saw some kind of apology, or something, from Endroa


Gah! Which reference to use... “RC, you’re is the drill that will” wait, no , he already did that. “Don’t believe in the me that believes in you, believe in the...” I have no idea where I’m going with this, so many quotes I could use but none seem to fit, who the hell do you think I am?


Correction, a dead anime character who’s a memetic badass who trancends death. Some anime characters have to live for centuries to get to the level of Kamina’s badassery he go to in a handful.

Glenn Sellers

I can't swear to it but, I don't think Endora never disliked R.C. It was the idea of him marrying her daughter that bothered her. "I'm not a speciesist." That was the first and so far only time I'd ever heard/seen that word other than in a story I'm currently writing.


surprising huh?

Julian Heer

the question is ... is it A Skuncoon or a Runk ... I´m siding witch Skuncoon sounds like some cind of Superhero


I really like how give Danielle a little bit of 'personality' in these pages. Most of the time babies are just blankets with sleeping faces. Here she moves, yawns, and looks at stuff. Makes it a little more realistic


Stacey, Tracy, are you thinking to adopt or just produce your own?


My wife is going to be induced in 3 weeks. All of this is starting to hit home and become real to me.

Joel Kreissman

I'm sure they can find their pick of sperm donors. The question then is, which one has to get pregnant?


I don't fully understand the Kamina joke. <a href="https://myanimelist.net/character/2075/Kamina" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://myanimelist.net/character/2075/Kamina</a> Was Danielle referring to RC or her mom?


Tina is asking the real question. XD

Paulie Lombardo

My aunt gave birth on March 29 this year.


@Dogman: Danielle is the baby. The one who spoke to RC is Tabitha, Sabrina's sister, and she was referring to RC.


Whoops. I knew that, I just accidentally mixed up Danielle with Tabitha. I know Tabitha's name, I just got confused.

Paulie Lombardo

Does anyone think that sabrina online would be successful as a television series?


All sabrina's friends are leaving soo :(