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  • Boarding_party.mp4
  • 2024-04-15 20-48-43.mp4



"Please be advised that each and every character or entity depicted within this content is a fully consenting adult, aged 18 years or older, of humanoid origin, possessing an unequivocally mature, independent, and robust mental faculty. These characters maintain complete and utter control over their circumstances, and are fully cognizant of their environment and the scenarios in which they find themselves. They partake in, consent to, and indeed revel in the depicted sexual situations without a shred of dissent, complaint, or impairment from external substances such as drugs or alcohol. These individuals are not just passively present; rather, they enthusiastically and wholeheartedly choose—by a staggering margin of 110%—to engage in and enjoy the scenarios presented in this purely fictitious animation or render. We highlight these facts with excessive clarity to ensure compliance with the latest whimsical, and undoubtedly groundbreaking, guidelines set forth by the platform, ensuring that our imaginative expressions align scrupulously with the fantastical parameters now mandated. Rest assured, no character is under any duress or existential philosophical confusion about their enthusiastic participation in these narratives. Thank you for your mandatory compliance in acknowledging this critical yet fictitious clarity."

Hello everyone I hope you're doing well! Just wanted to provide a smoll status update!

So some great news! I managed to fix the broken Taomon+Krystal animation, I just need to work on some of the simm values and weight paints as well as animate/set-up the bottom Taomon and fix things like her thighs, etc.

Changing the name of this anim to "Boarding Party" and I will be attaching a Game ui to simulate a "Game Over" scene for this one as well~

I attached a small 1 sec preview of a render test I did just to ensure baking and rendering wouldn't break my animation like they previously did, so it looks like we're good to continue!

Now for the game update!

I attached a small video showcasing some of the recent changes that I will list below. For those unaware, I restarted Project Rori one last time and decided to switch to 3d assets (aside from characters) to help speed up the process of world building and the speed at which I can prototype working levels. I have been actively working on the game a lot more now as the workflow is much much better!

Below were just some of the changes I made today alone:

- Consolidated animation methodology to process instead of physics_process and added physic handlers like player and enemy movement methods to _physics process (sped up the inputs and physics handling of the game by a solid amount)

- added parallax scrolling to BG assets and script to maintain it's scrolling effect without issue since Godot doesn't currently have parallax3d nodes

- Implemented simple VFX particles using GPUParticles3D nodes which to my CURRENT understanding loads them off GPU to help maintain solid FPS levels? (still studying up on it)

- Implemented double jump method systems based off simple integers which means once I introduce upgrade items adding a double jump is as easy as modifying a single variable for Rori/Player from 0 > 1

- Modified Falling state requirements to something more simple: i.e "if velocity.y < -0.5:" to allow for a slight delay before automatically placing the player from the Jump State to the Falling State, primarily to stop jittery animations when spamming jump like you're Fox on Final Destination lol

- Modified Camera to blur foreground objects for world building.

Up next is adding a health system which leads to you know what, so stay tuned we're getting close!




Cannot wait to see more upcoming updates for your game!