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The filming has been completed for the July short story! There was a bit of a set back, but I am ready to begin editing now. When I originally had written this short it was in rhyme, however, after reading it over a few times in front of the camera I realized it didn't get the message or story across as clearly as I had hoped. Something was just off. So I rewrote the story, but this time not in rhyme. I just got done filming that story, and I'm much happier with how it turned out. Despite being not as pleased with my rhyming story I still want to share it with you guys, so after my video goes live on my Youtube channel, the rhyming version will also go live here on Patreon! It will be available to Tier 1 on up to view (note, this is not the exclusive short story that is only for Tier 2. That story has been written and I look forward to filming it very soon.) That's just a quick update on where we are at :). Hope you are having a wonderful day! Talk to you again soon!




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