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It seems there's been some confusion!  Nothing is changing with the Patreon.  We haven't done aged up content in over half of a year.  We will still be posting NSFW audios as normal here.  You probably won't even notice anything is different.  So not need to send us panicked messages, no need to cancel your Patreon sub and no reason to be worried <3



It sucks you guys have to make announcements like this because people won't stop sharing the nsfw audios outside of this platform. Thank you for the clarification and for all your hard work. ❤️❤️❤️


Comes with being an NSFW creator, unfortunately! people wouldn't repost nudes -- not sure why they feel it's ethical to repost nsfw audio recordings without consent.


Guys I found a loop hole for the genya asmr's! Manga spoilers ahead!: so we all know genya is 16, basically a minor but not his reincarnation! Let me explain. So everyone who died at the end of the manga got to be reincarnated and get to live out happy lives in a world without demons. Genya being one of those characters who got reincarnated. His reincarnation is a police officer in modern day japan. Now here is the loophole. So I did my research and apparently in order to become a police officer in Japan you need to be at least 20 years old. So not a minor Also the reincarnation doesn't count as a aged-up genya. Because reincarnations are different people who live out different lives. sure he looks like genya, but he is not genya. So in conclusion... in order to have genya asmr's, we need to caption "genya's reincarnation" since there is no canon name for the reincarnation. Any way... thanks for coming to my Ted talk😊