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Hi guys!

Just letting you know about a change that'll be happening with the Patreon rewards.  From now on, the poll tier ($25 tier) will be the only tier receiving the audios that they design.  The $10 tier will continue to get one audio per week, independent of the additional audio that the $25 tier will get as they are finished.  The $25 tier will just get an extra audio!

We decided to make this change for a few reasons: one, we want the $25 tier to feel like they're getting something of value, and, to be honest, because we're looking to increase the number of $25 patrons.  Youtube has been very inconsistent with Ad Revenue and we rely heavily on Patreon money to pay staff.  Hopefully this change will result in more $25 patrons and we can have a little breathing room in our budget.

The first exclusive $25 tier audio will be "Pro Hero Bakugou Breeds You", which is a whopping 45 minutes long!  We're going to try to make the audios on the $25 tier longer in general, but phew!  This is a big one.  Want to help design the next one?  You can join the $25 tier to vote on the current polls.  So far, they've decided on a Giyuu audio... but what kind of Giyuu audio?  You decide!

Thank you so much for your support,
Mars & the rest of Anigomi


Celia W

Will we have access to the rest of the audios?

TonoRadish .

*switches to $25 tier 😂*


I was planning to up my tier anyways after the holidays 🤗


Welp, consider me a $25 tier member now! Been thinking about it and this just convinced me - switched!

Mia Rose



Dang I wish I could switch but can’t afford that much rn. Congrats to those who can though! I’ll keep supporting the channel how I can


Just upgraded! Can't wait for the bakugo audio💜


The poll tier, we vote on what character we want to hear next right? Ive been wanting another Kakashi 😔


Yes! They just voted for Giyuu, though, so that's what we're working on right now :)


It's going up as soon as Devil is done editing it :) Not sure when that'll be though, he has a lot on his plate. Probably within the next week or two.


the urge to upgrade my tier is strong…


Happy Holiday to me🥳🥳 time to splurge 😋

Lilly Puente

Do what is right yall work to hard for low pay