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Hello all,

For the people not knowing, The Sims has just released it's trailer for the new Horse Ranch EP, which will be released at the 20th of july.

I've took a close look at it and these are the things that for now caught my eye.

First of all, horses! As these can be made in CAS just like cats and dogs, I suppose we will get a lot of breeds already, but being able to make our own too is quite cool. There's also a cute looking foal in the trailer!

Then right at the beginning of the trailer, you can see big birds flying and in another part you hear vultures. I hope that we will also find some of them just sitting in the world (just as in other worlds we have pigeons and/or seagulls flying and walking around). If so, I will make those available in build mode for the community too of course.

Mini Sheep and Mini Goat
The mini goat and mini sheep will probably work as the cows and llamas in Cottage Living I suppose. Right before the trailer starts you can see a small wooden shed on the left side. I think these will spawn the sheep and goats.

I did see butterflies in the trailer, but I believe it's the blue one we already had in game. I still need to make a mod for it though, so we can place them ourselves too.

A small waterfall can also be seen in the shot where she's riding a horse over a rocky bridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't look to me like a waterfall which has much vfx attached to it. I will take a more closer look when the pack is released and I have extracted all new vfx codes though.

In one shot, in the back I see animals walking around. To me it looks like white chickens, but maybe I'm terribly wrong about that...😅 Again, if Maxis doesn't make them placeable for us, I will! I'm going to share this find on twitter by the way, maybe others just see the mini goat and sheep or want to join me in my hope for other animals too. :)

I'm quite disappointed we didn't got a good view at the world yet, but maybe I just want to much.. I just hope there will be some new animals in the world too and not only reused ones like the butterflies. A new kind of snake (preferably one that just lies still, like a rattle snake or something with only a moving tail with sound) or a new kind of lizard would be cool. New fish are always welcome too of course and I will add them to the game like the ones I'm working on now too.

I also hope for some more waterfalls or streams. We will see in a next trailer or sneak peek what more they've to offer!



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