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Hello Everyone,

Like the title already mentioned, I've made my original Animated Fish pack now Base Game Compatible! On the image you see the visible floor decal with the default 3 fish spawning. This visible floor decal will automatically disappear when placed below the water surface. There's also an invisible floor decal for if you want to make an aquarium only using a room with big windows.

I still need to do some tests though like testing if all other number of fish appear, as you can choose between the following options:

- 1 Baby Fish
- 1 Fish
- 3 Fish
- 5 Fish
- 8 Fish (6 adult + 2 baby fish)
- Fish Effect Off

I also need to re-test if they all still appear without any packs activated.

I might share the fish from the above image as some sort of Early Access later, as they were already released ages ago. The only real change is that they now can be used with only the Base Game installed.

More Fish
There's still a very long list of fish to include to this pack, think about more base game fish but also about those that were part of other packs like the tropical ones from Island Living.

As I haven't made versions of those before, they might take a bit longer to make as I need to make new object and thumbnail images for these and find all available fish vfx. I will probably share a next update about the next batch of fish when I've made like 10 more. :)



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