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Hello all,

Sorry for the lack of updates about things I'm working on, but I'm quite busy with non-TS4 things at the moment and new TS4 stuff I tried to make last week, wasn't working like I want it to😒. So new week, new chances!

Making Fish Pack 1 Base Game Compatible
Like I mentioned in my former post, one of my upcoming goals is to make my first Fish pack which I made ages ago, to become Base Game compatible as there's not a good reason why it shouldn't be (other then using tuning from Get Famous).
I found someone who's willing to help me with this, but because of being in different time zones, she still couldn't show me what I'll have to change exactly.

Whenever I know how to make the fish pack bg compatible, I will also use this knowledge to finally make a Fish Pack 2!

In the meantime, I'm looking into the possibility of making something else.
More info about the other project will be shared in a separate post.


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