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Hello all,

Sorry for not having that much updates lately, but I'm very busy with work, other hobbies as well as things that need to be arranged for my wedding next year.
Because of all of this, time for working on mods and/or videos has become a lot less.

YouTube Videos
About my Bakie's The Sims 4 Custom Content videos, I've decided to try something new that hopefully will result in releasing mods a lot quicker then is happening right now.

I will quit making videos for each individual mod and start making some sort of monthly recaps. These videos will contain all mods made in a certain month or multiple months. As for how detailed they will be, at least not as detailed as I made my videos now. So probably no more detailed "how to find", "where to find" or "available recolors" parts as these things can all be found in their own individual text/image posts when I release them.

I imagine these videos will show how they look in game which is especially useful for the animated mods as well as some quick tips and tricks if necessary. The amount of mods shown depends on how much have been released. The first recap will probably be at the end of april.