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Wall Fix
I fixed the wall problems I had with the CL Small Waterwheel with wooden support and gutter. Now when using the grid to place this waterwheel it will be aligned with the walls automaticaly, so both the gutter as well as the axle of the waterwheel will not stick out of the other side of the wall or look weird.

Water VFX Gutter
I've also added the water stream coming out of the wooden gutter hanging above the waterwheel, so the splashing on the waterwheel itself makes sense.

Placeable in Fountain Fix
Just like with the other waterwheels, I had the problem with placing it in fountains again. This has also been fixed as I now know exactly how to do this (it's a custom footprint problem).

Minor problem
There is another minor problem I still need to fix now, which is the strange shadows on the wooden support and gutter itself at certain daytimes. You can see them on the images too when looking at both the gutter as the lower part of the wooden support.

Whenever this is fixed and/or I know what my next steps will be for this pack, you're the first (and only) to know!




This is coming along nicely, Bakie! 🔥❣️🔥


Thanks Suzanne! It's going to slow in my opinion, but I just haven't got enough time to work on it more right now then what I do now. :(