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Work in RL
A Small update about my work in real life. I haven't spend much time on the waterwheels yet this week as I'm a bit busy with other things. This is my first week I will only work one day at the animal shelter instead of two and two days at the Aquaponic Food Farm. So this leaves less time for me to work on mods as there're other things I want (or need) to do besides modding too this week.

I've also noticed that because of the work at the food farm and worrying about it (afraid of doing something wrong or afraid of not being able to do something) it drains a lot of energy out of me. This also has consequences while working on the waterwheels pack. I thought as my working day today starts at 12am, I will work on the mods in the morning.. But I can't seem to concentrate that well. Tomorrow I need to start working in the morning, so I hope working on the waterwheel pack will be easier in the afternoon then.

Waterwheel Pack
I did came up with some new ideas today while taking a second look at the waterwheels in Henford on Bagley and finding a debug object in Studio which I can't even find in the game world. But more about that tomorrow together with some screenshots to make everything a bit more clear.


Ree Barkla

Don't stress, we can be patient and RL has to come first,