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Hello all,

I'm sorry for not giving any updates earlier but I had other things on my mind.
So not sure how far I will get updating all planned mods, but the Placeable Chickens and the chicken's texture override have been updated.

I've also noticed that the second swatch with breadcrumbs where very dark in my game, so I've fixed this too by making an entire new package for the Placeable Chickens using the breadcrumbs + small birds mod as a base.

I also thought that some people once mentioned that the texture override wasn't working anymore, but it does definitely work with this new version. Maybe the old one works fine too though. In the zip you will find both the updated placeable chickens as the texture override files.

For a list of all updates/changes, take a look below.

- It can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
- Object's title has been updated with an invisible 'Bakie' Search-tag in the title.
This item can now also be found by typing Bird, Birds, Chicken and Coop into the search bar.
- Object's description has been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with (Animated) text adjustments.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with a light green background color. This makes it more clear in the Pond VFX section that this object has to be placed on terrain. It can be used in multiple worlds.
- Price has been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section.


Don't forget that you can download the updated files here in this post. The public post will not contain the updated files, only the video link.

Be sure to delete the old files before starting your game, otherwise the changes might not be visible. You might also need to delete the "localthumbcache.package" in your TS4 folder if the catalog thumbnails stay the same.

Info video about the mods:
Animated - Placeable Birds - Chickens
