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Hello all,

First of all, I want to wish you all a very happy new year! Let's hope EA will give us some cool new Expansions and let's hope Twisted Mexi will release his TS4CAW so we don't have to wait until EA adds new worlds to play in.

But before I can even think about playing with new expansion (or play with Cottage Living) and try Tmex's CAW tool when it's released, I STILL need to finish updating my older mods.

Today I've started updating the mods that contain either the blue jay, golden tanager, red cardinal or all of them. And when I thought everything was going well, I discovered in game that ALL of them have the exact same problem which I might not be able to fix either.
When placing them, they show up as they should, but zoom out a bit too far or visit other lots and they will disappear from their invisible objects. This happens to all birds that will already be there when placed, so not those that will fly in, sit for some time and fly away again. Unfortunately I only use that working vfx in 2 of the 9 mods.

Now the only fix I can think of is by taking a look at those vfx using the VFX tool, but so far everything time I tried something with it, it didn't really worked out well.
So conclusion, I will either fix them by looking at those vfx in the VFX tool or won't update them at all as I don't think they're very useable when they disappear everytime when leaving the lot.

I hope my next update about these mods has good news, but I doubt it..
