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Hello everyone,

First of all, a very warm welcome to 3 new supporters that joined today!
About this week's updates, I've worked almost all day on updating mods with the result that I've updated all Jungle Mods on the list.

Things to do
As I didn't had time yet to make some nice individual screenshots of all of them, those will follow later. I also still need to make the full updates/changes lists, make the "updated thumbnails" and  maybe the most important thing, do some final checks before uploading them for you to enjoy too. I hope to be able to do some of these things tomorrow.

Besides the usual textual updates and making them to appear in the Pond VFX section, I've also changed some footprints and made most of the objects placeable on water surfaces. The reason for making terrain animals placeable on water surfaces, is to make it more easy to place them on objects above the water surface. Think about the statue in the middle of the jungle pond, the hanging tropical vines in between the rocks above the water, the rocks theirselfs, but also about floating logs for example.

More info or screenshots later!



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