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Besides making these to appear in the Pond VFX section all next to each other, I've also changed some other things to make them better useable in game.
So be sure to grab the updated files at YouTube or here on Patreon if you're a $3 tier supporter.

For a list of all updates/changes, take a look below.

Placeable Seagulls // Flock of Seagulls // Soda Can + Flying Seagulls

- They can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
- Object's titles have been updated with 'Bakie' in front of the title.
- Object's descriptions have been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnails have been updated with (Animated) text adjustments.
- Object Thumbnails have been updated with a beachy background color. This makes it more clear in the Pond VFX section that this object looks best when placed on beaches.
- Prices have been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section next to some of my other beach vfx mods.

Placement :
- Placeable Seagulls are now also placeable on Pond- & Ocean water surfaces, for if you want to place them on objects floating on or sticking out of the water that don't have deco slots (Use of MOO cheat required for raising object if neccesary).
- Placeable Seagulls & the Soda Can + Flying Seagulls are now also placeable on slopes, which makes it easier to place them near the edge of ponds and oceans or everywhere you want to.
- The Soda Can + Flying Seagulls can now be placed through other objects, which makes it possible to hide the object in between plants for example, without using cheats.

- Sims and Pets will now walk around the Soda Can + Flying Seagulls instead of right through it.

- Package name of the Bird Flock Spawner - Seagulls has been changed FROM BakieGaming-Animated-BirdFlock-Seagull+Interaction TO BakieGaming-Animated-BirdFlock-Seagull-1.77


Be sure to delete the old file before starting your game, otherwise the changes might not be visible.

YouTube Video + Download:
If you're not familiar with these mods, please watch the info-videos on YouTube, by clicking the links down below. For each download link, take a look at the video description on YouTube:
Animated - Placeable Birds - Seagulls
Animated - Bird Flock Spawner - Seagulls
Anmated - Soda Can + Flying Seagulls 



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