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I normally don't do any Sims related stuff in the weekends, but as there was a electricity outage yesterday for a couple of hours I couldn't share the sneak peek I was planning to share.

First of all, I've added the skull to a Stranger Ville lot as I think it fits a lot better in there then it was on the green lot in Willow Creek.

View Eagle interaction

So here is the 'view eagle' interaction sneak peek.
The first image shows that your Sim doesn't necessarily has to face the skull when looking up to the eagle. At first they were always facing the skull when looking up, but as the eagle can be everywhere, I made them to look away from it. This doesn't mean they will actually look in the right direction, but I think it looks more realistic this way.

The thought balloon and interaction queue icon both show the same eagle icon, but I don't think that really matters. It's always better then showing the cowplant skull when looking at an eagle. 

Happy Buff
Something extra I've added is a happy buff which will appear after the interaction has finished. It reads:

Feeling Blessed
By looking at the eagle
'Name-Sim' feels incredibly happy he/she was able to witness this majestic eagle flying around.

This buff will last for 2 hours.

View Cowplant skull
As Sims might also want to view the cowplant skull, I'm going to add such an interaction too. I won't be adding a buff to it possibly.

I also have some other ideas for interactions, but more about that later when I tested some more. :)



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