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Eagle VFX
So the first thing has already been added, which is the visual effect of an eagle flying around. Just as with the Bone fish mod, this eagle effect will disappear after 6pm and won't appear again unless you replace the current object with a new one. There might be a change that the eagle appears automaticaly after some in-game time, but I haven't seen it happen yet. Normally this effect can be seen when visiting the vacational world of Granite Falls, it then flies over the lake.

View eagle
Something I've been playing with now is the interaction to look at the eagle. I've borrowed the tuning of watching fireworks for this, so your Sim won't actually follow the eagle but they will look up. Right now they will keep looking up until you cancel the interaction though, so that's something I need to fix some how. I also still need to change the text as the interactions is still called "Watch firework" and I need to change it's interaction queue to a eagle instead of showing the cowplant skull object itself. So still lots to do before sharing the following sneak peek!



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