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I still had to share the last room with you all, so here it is, the pc/terrarium room!
For this particular room I worked on the most custom content as I had to find ways to make it look as if there were terrariums in this room.

The first small one is for snails. They have enormous snails (Achatina fulica), also known as Giant African land snails. This small terrarium is made out of a small display case where normally a typewriter can be found in. I've removed the typewriter, added additonal deco slots and changed the texture a bit. The objects inside the terrarium, like the tiny curved trunk and the snails are 'new' objects that can be placed by yourself. You can also see one of those snails in the bookcase on the left of it.

The same counts for the objects that can be found in the larger terrariums. That terrarium is also made out of a large empty display case, but again with changed textures and additional deco slots. The plants inside of it aren't all finished objects already, some are simply shrinked down a bit and raised, but my idea is to make them into small objects that can be placed onto deco slots. I might also want to add some more recolors to these plants, but also to the background of this larger terrarium. It now only has the two 'desert' backgrounds.

For both terrariums counts that I want to see if I can find some more objects in game, that will look good shrunken down inside the terrariums. I'm talking about plants, maybe food bowls and animals.

Right now you can choose between snails, 3 sorts of iguanas and frogs. All (except from the snails) already available for download.

So this might be my next project, it might take a bit longer to finish, but I think it can become something worth the time to create all assets. Also because of the separate assets, people can some what create their own terraria.




I am in L*O*V*E with the terrariums! Maybe there is a way to put water in part of it? Sort of like a partial fishtank thing for turtles and frogs? I don't know, lol... just a thought. Oh, and lush plant backgrounds? I know, I know... your list is already lengthy! Just some thoughts because these are amazing and I really, really hope your friends know how wonderful you are to do this! 🤗🥰🤗


I do have some ideas already for other kind of backgrounds and something with water, but what you're saying is very cool too. Though I can't make that happen I guess, I'm not skilled enough to create something like that. ;)


You did the backgrounds - I'm very happy about that. As for water... what about adapting the bathwater from Tamamaro? link: http://sims-new.my1.ru/publ/ukrashenija_dlja_sims_4/kovry/voda_dlja_vannoj_041_bath_water_rug_by_tamamaro/64-1-0-34009?M06HjVQ Great recolor set with the mesh, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32347331