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Hello all,

First of all, great to see that my Rock Climbing Cliffs are doing so well!
I've got a very nice amounts of views, downloads likes and retweets already.

This also proves me that it isn't that bad if I do a bit longer over making certain mods as nobody complaints in the mean time and the eventual outcome was something I was incredibly proud of and happy with.

As for the upcoming time, I will be having a short vacation at home until the new year as my girlfriend is free from work until then too. So instead of working on The Sims CC, I will be spending some more time with my girlfriend and family (Obeying the rules of COVID of course)  and play some other games probably  which have been laying in the dust for too long now (Planet Zoo for example).

In the new year I want to start with sharing the rock climbing cliffs park lot I think, or the cafe on a cliff from my video, as multiple people have already asked about that.  So that will be my next goal, finishing those lots and making new episodes for my Bakie's Builds series on YouTube.

As for Snowy Escape, much ideas have already been written down, but there's more possible as I haven't took a look at the effects yet. And then there're still many lists with other ideas from former packs. So let's see what the new year will bring.

For now I want to wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Let's hope 2021 will be more of a 'normal year' and that the world will get rid of COVID or at least will be better able to fight against it with vaccines for example.
Stay safe and healthy everybody and thank you all for the continuous support!