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A new bigger update on the waterfall, I've added some interactions!
As can be seen on the images, I've added 3 (or actually 4) interactions to this small custom waterfall. Just like with the bigger waterfall I made before, Sims can shower in swimwear, shower nude and play (solo) underneath the waterfall. The fourth not visible interaction on these images, is the gather water interaction which only appears on Off-the-grid lots.

This time though, the gather water interaction, is only changed as for the fact Sims will switch to swimwear when doing the interaction and back to the clothing they wear before the interaction and that the invisible buff that sometimes appears after the interaction is a happy one instead of an uncomfortable one.
I've not changed the text this time, so all interactions should appear in your own language.

As the waterfall is quite small, only one Sim can do one of these interactions, instead of multiple like with the bigger waterfall. I've also not added the play-together interaction as it doesn't make any sense in this case.

What remains now is making the water surface & terrain version without additional interactions and some more testing if everything works as it should be.
After that I can begin thinking about what kind of example scenes I want to show in the final video. :)



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