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I've been busy with multiple things for the gargoyle, starting with resizing it, which can be seen on the first image. The left one is the original size and the right one the new.
The reason for resizing it has everything to do with the effects I'm going to add as these were a bit too large for the original size.

As I wanted to add a snow-melt broadcaster, I tested everything in the snow. Though the broadcaster didn't melt any snow, I did notice the snow layer on the gargoyle not looking that nice. Or at least I don't like how the snow is being showed on it's feet after a snow storm. That's why I tried to change it a little bit, which can be seen on the second screenshot.

As for the snow-melt broadcaster, I noticed that when placing a fireplace into the snow (where this broadcaster came from) there wasn't disappearing any snow either.
Does any of you might know which objects let snow melt around it or what other snow related things might get melted when being near a fireplace? I will keep the snow-melt broadcaster for the gargoyle as it can't  do any harm, but it would be nice if I knew what it does 😅.

I found some nice matching effects to add to the gargoyle, but as they're not moving into the right direction and rotating them hasn't made them to appear as they should yet, I will show you them later. 



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