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Hello all,

I'm back from a few days away from home, but as always I had to become ill 😒
Luckely most of the time I did enjoy my break, but this morning I had to get a Corona-test as it became worse instead of better. I will get the test-results probably by saturday.

Though I do not believe I'll have covid-19, but more of a common cold, it's always better to know for sure. Also as it's important to know for my girlfriend and the remaining two weeks of her holiday. If I do have covid-19, she has to stay in quarantine for almost her entire holiday too and we wanted to do another small vacation of a few days in the north of our country as she worked incredibly hard since the start of Covid-19 (She works in healthcare). So hopefully we can still go if I don't have covid-19 and am feeling a bit better later.

As for the waterfall mods and videos this means I have extra time to work on it tomorrow and probably saturday too as I'm not allowed to leave the house. I hope to be able to release it at the end of this week.

For everybody supporting me here on Patreon, I do plan to release mods more often after I feel better, so not with almost a month in between like happened with my last couple of mods, but more like two weeks in between. I understand if you want to stop your support here because I'm not  living up to your expectations.

Let's just hope I feel better soon and can make you happy again with my mods more regularly. :)


Marie Duran

No, I won't stop my support. You are working while sick is living up to more than I expected of anyone. I am sorry that you are sick and I hope it's not covid.


Thanks Marie! Luckely it isn't Covid and I'm also feeling a bit better, les coughing and such. Though now I seem to have inflamed gums. I think my resitance against all kinds of bacteria is a bit low at the moment or something. Hope it's all over soon. :)