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Instead of only adding deco slots to the window sills on the inside, I've decided to add some to the outside of the windows I've already worked on too.

For the 1x1 Angled Box Windows this means a single medium deco slot on top of the windows. The 3x1 Longbox Window got 7 additional medium slots on top of it.

There's also a difference in placing objects with or without the MOO cheat activated. This counts for all windows. The cause of this, is because some object's footprints will cross each other and/or the window object. This doesn't mean the object itself will intersect another object or the window though.

An example of this can be seen on the second image where the left window has objects placed without the MOO cheat activated and the right window with the MOO cheat activated. There fore I would always recommend using the MOO cheat when placing objects onto the windows as more deco slots will be available and more can be used at the same time.



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