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I already promised the sneak peek about the custom On/Off switch for yesterday, but as it's incredibly hot at the moment here in The Netherlands and I didn't wanted to melt away on my room, I skipped it yesterday.

Today, I was up early and worked on a few other things for this mod too, which I'm going to share with you in the upcoming posts.

Custom On/Off Switch
But let's start with the custom switch. In the image above you see the icon and text that will show for the interaction to switch the filthy vfx on or off. The image in front of the text is that of 2 flies as the interaction starts a green smoke and flies effect.

Something new I've added, is the possibility to add this object to your Sim's inventory.
This will make it possible to place the object outside of the lot too.
While my former mod with the aurora could only be placed by your Sim into their inventory, this time it can also be dragged in or out the inventory by yourself.
This also means live-drag is enabled on this object, meaning you don't have to be in build-mode to replace this object. My showcase video will make this more clear possibly.



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