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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if everyone is doing well? Here in The Netherlands schools, cafés, restaurants etc are all closed until the 6th of april. I live in a part of the Netherlands where the most number of people have the Corona virus, so I try to stay inside as much a possible.
(Still have to buy food of course)

This doesn't mean I will be playing The Sims all day though as I also have a girlfriend that might be more at home then normally.

I totally understand if you want to cancel your pledges due to not being able to work and there fore have more important things to spend your money on right now. Just so you know! ;)

I'm still planning to upload a video at the end of this week. And will keep making mods, but maybe just a bit less then normally.

Take all good care and help each other out wherever you can!

Greetings, Bakie



Stay safe out there! My family have been staying home, or going to work but limiting their time around a ton of people much as necessary. Lots of p;aces are either closed, or only open a few hours, some making certain times elderly/disabled focused so they can shop too without much worry. I will have more time on my hands to play sims 4, other games, and of course, play with pets. Hope you all in the comments stay safe too!