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Hello all!

I've been a bit quiet the last few weeks due to the holidays and not really knowing with what kind of CC to start the new year. I've done a few test with the floating islands, but I think it's too much work for my first CC in 2020.

So I've took a quick look at a few effects codes I still wanted to test and decided that my first 2020 CC will be something small.

Literally, as it will be an animated frog effect attached to an invisible object.
It won't be like the animated frogs I separated from the terrarium, who only sit still, blink their eyes and catch a fly every now and then.
This time it's a frog that really moves! Or more like jumping AND swimming.

It's a code from the Realm of Magic Pack, but I have no idea where it normally can be found.
Anyway, if theirs progress, you're the first to know!



Sounds like a lot of fun! :D