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I've worked a bit more on the Volcanic Pack and that resulted in having an additional 2 new invisible objects that are placeable both on terrain as on pool water that will spawn volcanic effects.

The first one spawns some sort of splashing yellow colored lava and smoke. This can be used to make the lava pool water to become more realistic as being lava.
The second one spawns a huge volcanic cloud of smoke, which can be seen from quite far away.

Sneak peeks will be available later.

Another thing I've been thinking and working on is Lava rocks. The one that can also be seen after an eruption on Sulani. Right now I'm working on the small and large deco lava rocks. These deco ones can be cracked open by your sims to found all kind of elements, like diamonds. They will disappear after being cracked open just like the ones in game.

I might have some more ideas with them, but first want to finish everything I'm working on now.



That'll be a neat object for placement, the deco rocks, when building volcanic areas that have ruins or something. Neat ideas!