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A small look on the second object that will be part of this Reef Deco Pack: The Single Plate Coral!

On the first image they're visible both on the foreground, the purple layered corals, as in the back just below the water surface, the orange ones. In the second image those orange ones and a few blue-ish ones are visible from the top. 

So besides making more recolors, I've lowered them a bit into the ground, so making layered creations in a bit easier. Maybe I can some more example scenes of them tomorrow, but then in the ocean. I will also make a screenshot of the default one in the Sulani Ocean so you can see the difference in placement. Maxis place one at a time, I place them layered :)




Love it! I think what you do when you put these together is just amazing, Bakie - especially the ability to layer/stack/raise things. 🥰🥰🥰


Thanks Suzanne! When looking at ocean pictures you barely see them just on their own, so I just had too make them raisable so they can be layered 😁