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Hello everybody,

Wanted to share with you that I just saw that I'm only 100 subs away from reaching 5000 subscribers on YouTube!

I just looked back at my former milestone which was 4000 subscribers in february. So it looks like there're still people discovering my mods and YouTube channel and more important, liking what they see!

Looking at my other networks:
Tumblr: 2.448 followers
Twitter: 400
Patreon: 23 supporters / 95 followers

About those last Patreon numbers, I'm really happy that all of you appreciate everything I do or make that much for even deciding to support me the way you do right now.
A lot of other YouTubers or modders get "paid" by ads while watching videos or after clicking a download link, but as the guidelines for being paid by YT were changed last year I was "kicked out" of the Network I was in, which was quite of a bummer. (I've added this Non-Ads thingy to my "about" page by the way, to make that more clear)

On the other hand, having 23 supporters here, gives me more financiel support then thousands of views in a month on YouTube  😅. And for the viewers it's even better not having ads in or around the video. (Although I don't mind those that much when watching videos myself on YouTube)

Adding ads to download links is something I won't do, as I don't like it myself when that happens after clicking such a link. Most of the time they're not very safe and are giving me pop-ups that won't go away. Sometimes I even have trouble finding the download link itself! So that's an absolute no-go for me!

Anyway, I'm very happy with all of your support! Also the comments and messages I get from you! :) I hope my content will keep being loved by the community which will encourage me to continu doing this! Thanks!



Congratulations, Bakie. I'm cheering you on and hope you get those subscribers -and more- soon! 📣🎆