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And here are the final 2 recolors of the Denizen Pond, the Bloody ones.
For each recolor I used a different light color. For the Fresh blood, so the upper one, I used a brighter red night light color. For the Old blood, so the lower one, I used a more mixed color of red and purple which matched with the pond much better then the total red one.

I hope you all like these night colors too!

Next things to work on now are the additional medium and large slots, so more potted plants for example can be placed around the pond. I've also used some of the carved pumpkins on the 2 medium slots that were already there and that looks quite cool too, especially for these bloody recolors. So adding more can only make it better.

I hope to be able to finish the slots on wednesday as I don't have much time today for that and tomorrow the garden of our new house will be prune down to make it look better. :)




It's bloody fantastic if I do say so myself.


Definitely bloody good (to play off of K's comments, lol) 💕